Self-Care Assessment
Self care is care provided “for you, by you.” It’s about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.
This assessment takes a look at not only the physical and mental metrics, but the holistic spiritual factors as well. Furthermore, this assessment uses a proprietary algorithm and is the first in a suite of conversational agent based products under development as part of a larger agenda ‘dashboard of wellbeing’.
The goal is to provide people a quick, thorough and reliable assessment of your state of wellbeing.
The Bot
Ultimately acting as a first line of patient engagement, which reduces “post event” health care cost. Period!
This proprietary assessment has been developed from over 20 years of social science research crafted by Dr. C E Grantham PhD.
In this particular recipe, Dr. Grantham added a pinch of … genuine concern for the wellbeing of others, a ‘lil bit of yoda-ish philosophy wrapped in a academic structured implementation. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?!
This assessment provides a “Ideas for you“, “Action items” and a “Resources” section for each category depending upon your response patterns. The interface design incorporates cognitive-behavioral techniques (CBT) and micro-actions to further aid in your experience.
The Recipe
We use the following tools and techniques to achieve these impressive results.
Dashboard display of scores for:
Preliminary scores 1-4 pts
Head / Will section 1-16 pts
Heart / Function section 1-16 pts
Hand / Being section 1-16 pts
3 Ring Combo Summary score 1-16 pts
Overall score with display of Norms 1-100 pts
The Experience
Try the Self-Care Assessment Bot today!
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