Pivot Update
What began three years ago as a pivot from the Old Story of supposed mechanistic efficiency to the New Story of behavioral effectiveness has now accelerated into a transmutation of a post-pandemic global way of being – an awakening in full bloom. I think it can be best described as a screenplay of evolving consciousness. For the curious, details are below at Community Design Screenplay for 2021.
For those who are new to this site, let me recap. What is past is past, and those ideals, beliefs, and motivations which have served humankind well for several hundred years have outlived their usefulness towards our planet’s sustainability, life-affirming social order, and equality of wealth. The three poisons of Buddhist thought (hate, greed, and delusion) are now being confronted. I am dedicating myself to helping the birth of the new world of life affirmation.
I realize that some who have followed me, worked together, and shared times both good and not so good, will fall by the wayside. In some ways, that is sad but just another part of my intentional evolution. New friends, colleagues, and connections will emerge in their place, and my journey will be joined. Indeed, the pandemic that began in 2020 has proven to be the crucible in which my new character has been forged. The first part of 2021 was devoted to a sabbatical to craft, design, and create the methods and tools for this transmutation. Now, watch this space for announcements of some new projects, engagements, and perhaps a groundbreaking learning set of events.
New weblinks
I’ve created much content during the past few years. I’ve been blessed to have a superlative network of collaborators and the loving-kindness (and patience) of outstanding editors. I’m merely offering up the links to these publications in this blog. I invite you to click through to them and ponder my ideas.
Of particular note are articles on why leaders need to transform themselves post COVID19. https://www.stress.org/personal-leader-transformation-in-a-post-trauma-world
And how to “Engage Yourself” towards renewal. https://www.stress.org/wp-content/themes/Avada-child/lib/3d-flip-book/3d-flip-book/?mag_id=17649
And a special note of thanks to the staff of Work Design Magazine Michelle Weiss and Bob Fox who have supported my work since 2016. You can find a complete listing and set of links here: https://www.workdesign.com/?s=charlie+grantham
But I invite your special attention to how to design a home-based workplace (https://www.workdesign.com/2020/03/a-pocket-guide-for-working-at-home/) and to design the workplace for people dealing with PTSD (https://www.workdesign.com/2020/01/workplace-design-guidelines-for-employees-with-ptsd/)
There will be more to come dealing with leadership transmutation, community embedded workplaces, and the de-coupling of large, complex organizations into smaller, more intimate social groups. Don’t believe me, just watch …
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