An old-soul Yoda confronts the forces of hate, greed and delusion to help create the next awakening of consciousness by overcoming the energies trying to hold onto the past.
Story Line
Our hero embarks on a journey after his own awakening. It’s a long and winding road up the mountain of uncertainty, but finally, he finds the portal to a soulful life. It is guarded by three dragons: the greed of consumerism hated in the form of aggression towards all ‘others’, and the distortion of reality from mass communication.
Against these dragons, he raises his weapons. Personal leadership transformation slays the dragon of greed by helping everyone see the need to serve a purpose larger than themselves. Love and compassion fostered through community where space becomes place vanquishes hatred. The mirror of objectivity reflects a light of wisdom to remove the shadows of illusion and foster wellbeing.
The dragons now subdued, he passes through the portal and discovers a merry band of old souls who he joins in singing the sweet song of coming back to life. The circle will not be broken…
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